A couple weeks ago i made the decision to be an "Independent Distributor" with "It Works, Global". I can't tell you the excitement i have to work with this company & to see the growth i will be experiencing these next couple of days/months ahead. I can finally work at home, to a company i will pour my heart & soul into.
It works has products (duh). It has fitness products, hair, skin & nail products, even Energy Drinks. Also you can have a career from home & create something special by helping others be successful.
Now, i can only imagine what you critics are thinking,
This is what my vision is & this is what i see & hope for. I see myself living a life where i can give my boys everything and anything. I don't see a get rich quick scheme. I see myself constantly working for my family. I simply see myself bringing home a little bit of extra bacon. I see myself as an example to Tayson to follow his dreams & to be successful in what ever situation he comes to. I see myself working towards a goal that will not knock your socks off.
I love being a mom, I love that i am apart of this company & folks this is only the beginning of my, "It Works", journey.