Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Never Ending Mess

Everyday I feel as if my 700 sq ft apartment Is always messy. Even when I have a cleaning check list that's all fancy & it's organized for me. Organized by my morning chores & pm chores. But some how I can't keep up. I feel like if I am caught up with the mess I am not spending enough time with Tayson or if I am not caught up then Kade comes home to a disaster, ending result  feeling like a failure  Like I said it is a never ending mess.
As a mother, I feel not all that together. I don't have his one year baby book, it has taken me a year to get his nursery together & not only that but this mothering thing didn't come naturall to me. I always want another baby but at the end of the day if I can barely handle one, how in the world can I handle two?!
What I have learned through this mess is this, when we procrastinate cleaning it prevents us from other things we would rather do instead. It prevents us from a happy & clear mind & being okay to play with our babies.
I understand it's impossible to always pick up behind our babies. I get that. 
Whatever your mess is in life, don't let it go. You can let things go that you can't change or control but when you ignore & ignore & ignore the mess, it will always come back. It is best to just handle it then & now.
When I am cleaning I find ways to make it a game with Tayson & I teach him. When I have problems I try to resolve them and do the best I can so I won't have a burden to carry.
The time when we do let things go, is when it is out of our control & not our burden to carry. My favorite quote by Ghandi "Be the change you want to see in the world" you can't change the world but you can change yourself.
Also, choose to smile. Once you have mom as a title for the whole rest of your life you will be picking up messes. Better to enjoy the journey, deal with our messiness the best we can & never be too down on yourself for the Mess. We all have to clean & deal with it eventually might as well get
er' done.