Sunday, May 3, 2015


Two Weeks in Seattle. One week my mom came out to Utah. Then comes July & I will be heading back to Seattle for a family reunion. I am proud to be from Seattle, even though i have never done the stupid tourist stuff. You can also call me a Sea Hawks fan. I bleed blue & green. Seattle, Washington  has been my home sweet home for 19 years. Moving out to Utah has been a blessing in disguise. I grew up and became some what mature. I still have my moments of immaturity and goofing off, but i think that i am just a little kid in a big kid body. Well, not really because people think i am fifteen. Really, i am one big kid. Which is why i can not wait for Tayson to get out of this baby stage. I love this stage don't get me wrong because he is so little and discovering things. But i can help but want to do things with him like fly a Kite or take him to the Zoo, or Aquarium and teach him a whole bunch of rubbish that comes up in my head.  Anways, no matter how far away i am from this place, it will always have a place in my heart. I hope to take Tayson back when he is a weee bit older and show him all the cool stuff that his mom used to do.